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AME Courses

in Vietnam organizes Advanced Medical English courses
in Vietnam in conjunction with local medical schools or hospitals

​Check back for incoming Course 


Having Fun at the end of the Course

Today, VietMD has issued 97 AME Course Certificates to Doctors and Students in Vietnam, 3 of them matched into US residency


3rd AME Course at the University Medical Center, Hochiminh City, Vietnam

Lead by Dr. Tam Dang, US trained internal medicine and emergency medicine, at the University Medical Center, University of Pharmacy and Medicine, Hochiminh City, Vietnam from March 14-29.

2nd AME Course at the University Medical Center, Hochiminh City, Vietnam

Lead by Dr. Dung Le, a British-trained doctor and a US internal medicine resident, at the University Medical Center, University of Pharmacy and Medicine, Hochiminh City, Vietnam

1st AME Course at the University Medical Center, Hochiminh City, Vietnam

Lead by Dr. Wynn Huynh Tran, a US trained doctor and a resident in internal medicine, at the University Medical Center, University of Pharmacy and Medicine, Hochiminh City, Vietnam from December 1-25, 2011


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